Customer Data
With our customer data software solutions, we can help you understand your customers and collect insightful data for commercial and marketing purposes.
Curious to understand about your customer demographics? Are you appealing to the audience you think you are? Want to understand customer dwell time? Interested in browsing behaviours? We can help you gather and analyse this data and much more.

Face recognition technology
This software allows you to detect people’s faces in live video streams and store anonymous information for each appearance of a person. Analysis of this information over time enables the software to compute people count, demographic information and people movement in time and space. It also detects frequent visitors and the size of crowds, providing invaluable data for retailers in their planning.

Targeted Messaging
Since the technology can analyse a face for gender, age and demographics, as people approach a camera, it can trigger a targeted message on a digital sign that is tailored to the individual customer.